Mark Kahn
Principal with Kahn Solutions Group
Mark Kahn, Principal with Kahn Solutions Group, is an experienced project management, real estate, and financial consultant. Kahn Solutions Group has partnered with Milestone Real Estate Partners since 2016 to provide real estate consulting services. Mark and Mary Kay worked together for 12 years at the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, where Mark was the Director of Planning and Analysis and a Senior Project Manager
With over 20 years of experience working with nonprofit, private, and public organizations, he has worked with organizations in multiple sectors, including social services, education, housing, international development, media, marketing, travel, and religious institutions.
Mark enjoys working with diverse groups of people and developing integrated solutions in an organization’s best interest. He coordinates with numerous internal staff and external project consultants, including finance, accounting, strategy, fundraising, grant management, marketing, communications, human resources, compliance, construction, facilities maintenance, and information technology.
He earned Project Management Professional (PMP) in 2001 and maintains that certification, has a Bachelors degree from Cass Business School in London, UK, and a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from the University of Minnesota.
Outside of the office, Mark enjoys playing tennis, golf, and hiking in remote places.
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